Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Kids back

School holidays here and the three oldest spent a week up in sunny Queensland at their grandmother's. Daniel and myself were stuck in cold rainy Melbourne....

But all smiles when they came home again!

School starts again on Monday and that's not good news according to Alicia. School's apparently not that fun anymore lol.

Monday, September 21, 2009



We've been to the annual Swedish School Camp in Anglesea again. It was great fun as usual and the kids thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Alex stayed home with Chris and it was just the rest of us. Good idea as that boy has no sense at the moment... takes off, explores forests full of snakes and dives with sharks LOL. Well not really, but you get my point, not a child I can just leave to play on his own.

James liked the bow and arrow the best and Alicia preferred playing beach volley ball. I enjoyed not actually working on the camp for the first year as I had Daniel with me hence just came along as a parent! Not Bad!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Ah the weeks fly... growing up heaps! A month old now and finally starting to have a few hours in between feeds during the night... at least three! YAY!

He's a very alert baby, talkative and smiling... all those things that make you forgive and forget all the bad nights. Natures way of making sure you don't throw the baby away after a few weeks I guess LOL.